Hard copy and Kindle - via Amazon Australia

"If others failing makes you feel better about yourself then this is the book for you."
"My friend read this and wanted to make sure you were alright"
"The ultimate in footy fan masochism"
"Pessimism is the default position, where bad is the norm and good inevitably a fleeting experience."
But it's all done in the best possible taste...
I want this book so when my kids are complaining about a loss that doesn't affect our ability to preserve mid table mediocrity - I can show them what real pain and anguish look like! I can show them the suffering other went through to bring them the average yet comfortable existence they will be enjoying, barring a Neeld-esque collapse of Simon Goodwin's frontal lobe.
ReplyDeleteI want one ! Just got to have it !
ReplyDeleteAh come on, you can do better than this. Surely Diamond Jim Tilbrook and his ilk can be included in this epistle? I hope there is a separate chapter on the mediocre coaches that MFC has employed over the last 50 years - with apologies to Barass, Swooper and Danners. Should a shortish chapter! I hope that I will not be in a wheelchair pushed by my MFC barracking sons to watch the D's play in a Granny. Unfortunately that chair is a lot closer now.
ReplyDeleteIf I didn't buy this book for my dees-obsessed partner I'm afraid he would have made me read it and swear allegiance to his cult. I mean football team. If anyone understands it's you, I've got to stand by my shit AFL team (but not our president), or at the very least watch them in the VFL.
ReplyDeleteAdam, I have today finished reading your decade of Demons Depression book. Every word on every page.........I wonder if I'm the first to persevere through the trauma of reliving so much that should have remained buried?
ReplyDeleteI must congratulate you in ignoring the professional editors/publishers in forging ahead to complete a book of over 500,000 words when they say you should never exceed 100,000. You could never have done justice to the experience of being a Demons diehard without this attention to detail.
Perhaps you could have cut out some of the onfield incidents, but added more of the psychology affecting us supporters. Yours is a rare gift in sharing the wierd warped thoughts that afflict us. Since 1990 I have been turning out at the Demons Melbourne games and stoically sitting in awe of our ineptitude until the final siren sounds. Never leaving early and so rarely singing the song. The best reward I've had is a bonding experience like no other with my eldest son and I wish you building a similar bond as your daughter grows up. Unfortunately my younger son was turned off footy for life sitting at Waverley in a deluge while we were being thrashed and rain poured out of his hotdog as his six year old hand gripped it tighter and tighter. Never mind, one out of two is as mad a Demons supporter as me.
Adam, please keep up your dedication to the blog which is a weekly highlight for us Badgers. Coming from England I consider you have the British sense of humour that does it for me. Just one small request, if you come to do another book, please consider getting it proof edited beforehand and give me back about a week of my reading life.
Congratulations on your amazing achievement and I hope the next decade will bring more success to our team. If it does though, I fear the book will not be as good.
Keep ignoring up.......... Keith Badger
Hi Keith, really appreciate in. In retrospect I probably could have chopped a few thousand words, but like a serious drug/footy addiction once I got going it couldn't be stopped. I'm still claiming the title of longest sports book ever written, which would give you the honour of having read the longest sports book ever written.
DeleteCheerio and Go Dees!