Monday 24 June 2024

Standard 'post delayed' notification

Dees allegedly win, but like Smokey and The Bandit I've got a long way to go and a short time to get there so I could post as late as Tuesday night. If it's not done by then I'll just press publish without editing and you can enjoy disjointed weird shit and paragraphs that randomly end in the 

Keep an eye on Twitter or Facebook for a link. Send any thoughts on the game via the usual channels and I'll incorporate/shamelessly steal them.


  1. best not to give your work ammunition for the Fair Work Tribunal. Looking forward to it.

  2. Well, it looks like that 0% chance happened today. End result of 35 goals better than expected for the Dees.

  3. I'm still hard. What a win.

  4. Any chance Juice Newton will play against Freo next week?

    1. Thanks Chris, we'll be hearing from you after the break.

    2. Couldn't do much worse than Chris Dawes could he?

  5. Ah Jesus. I was so looking fwd to reading your take on the game. I guess I'll have to just watch that last quarter for the 7th time. 1st world probs....

  6. That was the most difficult game to watch. Melbourne of 5 years ago. Indecision. Misdirection. Wizardry.

    I mean, firstly, I had to recover from the-SHOCKING-shock of Channel 7 airing a Melbourne game (live, SHOCKED) into Northern NSW. And then recover from the delight resulting from my nearly 2 year old saying GO DEES for the first time, THEN running into the living room where my in laws and wife (all Collingwood supporters) were watching Renovation Rescue or somesuch and screaming GO DEES in what can only be described as a maniacal incitement to a Queens Bday Showdown Screamfest of SWOOP PIES GOO DEEEEES.

    Then recover from the shock of discovering we actually have some decent players (did I mention that I haven't seen a Demons game on TV for I think at least a season due to Channel 7s sheer refusal to show any Demons games into northern NSW?).

    Then discovering that we in fact have brilliant players (when did we start recruiting decent recruiters).

    And now 4th on the ladder.

    Crazy times.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Buggy is ready, are you ready?

  9. you might very well think that but I couldn't possibly comment...

  10. this is an outrage i am outraged

  11. TMac and BB put stamps down. Hard for Weido to crack into the side now with those two there. A day out for all the role players Langdon, Bshaw, Spargs, Harmes.


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