Every year players are wheeled out in front of the cameras for a photo. Here are the greatest MFC images ever committed to a trading card.
Part One
Part One
Ricky Jackson in victorious pose, unaware that his plums are about 2mm from dangling into shot.
The short lived phenomenon where players had to look away from the camera was given the appropriate amount of respect by Robert Flower, who is clearly trying not to piss himself laughing.
The short lived phenomenon where players had to look away from the camera was given the appropriate amount of respect by Robert Flower, who is clearly trying not to piss himself laughing.
Greg Wells in full 70's pimping mode. Chewing gum, looking like he's about to snot somebody. Classic.
Greg Wells in full 70's pimping mode. Chewing gum, looking like he's about to snot somebody. Classic.
Peter Johnston leant a bit further to the side, fell over and later won a Pete Doherty lookalike competition.
Peter Johnston leant a bit further to the side, fell over and later won a Pete Doherty lookalike competition.
Kelly O'Donnell just got asked if we were going to make the finals. Then or now? Doesn't really matter does it.
Kelly O'Donnell just got asked if we were going to make the finals. Then or now? Doesn't really matter does it.
O'Donnell again - victim of a paparazzi style surprise card photo.
O'Donnell again - victim of a paparazzi style surprise card photo.
Bet you he wouldn't have been that happy if he'd known what he was getting himself into.
Bet you he wouldn't have been that happy if he'd known what he was getting himself into.
There are no words to describe what is going on this photo of Tony Barnes. Just make sure the kids are kept away. Too late? Well that's not our fault.
There are no words to describe what is going on this photo of Tony Barnes. Just make sure the kids are kept away. Too late? Well that's not our fault.
Ray Biffin in the all-time #1 prototype shot for footballers who want to look utterly baffled in their card shot. The only thing that could have made it better was a look at his gap-tastic teeth.
Ray Biffin in the all-time #1 prototype shot for footballers who want to look utterly baffled in their card shot. The only thing that could have made it better was a look at his gap-tastic teeth.
Part 2
Late period Baker once he'd become respectable/been put in a headlock by Barassi
Late period Baker once he'd become respectable/been put in a headlock by Barassi
[Lost image and no idea who it referred to so I can replace it - this is going well]
We should have known there was something wrong with this guy. Oh that's right we did.
[Have a picture of Russell Robertson being outmarked by a dog to compensate]
We should have known there was something wrong with this guy. Oh that's right we did.
[Have a picture of Russell Robertson being outmarked by a dog to compensate]
Early Giles. 9 parts Hulk Hogan, 1 part ready to go even more zany.
Early Giles. 9 parts Hulk Hogan, 1 part ready to go even more zany.
Big Carl has the look of a man who is about to bury you under the floorboards. Good work Carl and watch out innocent bystanders.
Big Carl has the look of a man who is about to bury you under the floorboards. Good work Carl and watch out innocent bystanders.
Icke fails to take the opportunity to do an appropriately cheesy shot (do you see what we did there?) and instead gives a proto-80's version of Blue Steel complete with small rodent on top lip.
Icke fails to take the opportunity to do an appropriately cheesy shot (do you see what we did there?) and instead gives a proto-80's version of Blue Steel complete with small rodent on top lip.
Shockingly this is only the THIRD most disturbing photo of Garry we have. Continue.
Shockingly this is only the THIRD most disturbing photo of Garry we have. Continue.
... given that he was related to this pimp mf'er...
... given that he was related to this pimp mf'er...
... who later joined Metallica
... who later joined Metallica
Clayton returns in bearded deer in headlights shot
Clayton returns in bearded deer in headlights shot
((Sleepless in Melbourne, Single and looking|Robert Elliott))
((Sleepless in Melbourne, Single and looking|Robert Elliott))
Brent Crosswell took a moment out of robbing stagecoaches and tying maidens to train tracks to stand there and say "if you laugh at my mo I will tear out your throat". And who'd bet against him?
Brent Crosswell took a moment out of robbing stagecoaches and tying maidens to train tracks to stand there and say "if you laugh at my mo I will tear out your throat". And who'd bet against him?
Sorry Peter, you're one of the best - and that jaw could kill somebody but there's no way you can beat...
Sorry Peter, you're one of the best - and that jaw could kill somebody but there's no way you can beat...
.. Wolfman!
.. Wolfman!